We measure our success by the lives changed for Jesus. All 8 teams continually receive calls, emails, texts, and social media interactions from down-trodden people who understand they now have a reason to hope. Every 3 months we send out a newsletter (People to People) to all our partners with the latest testimonies from around the world.
"By chance, I heard your program Kello Tamam and found it interesting. I hope to listen to every broadcast. I look forward to hearing from you!” Ahmed, Egypt
“I love ViewPoint. It’s so uplifting and encouraging. It’s always just what I need to hear and I want to make sure that it continues so that other people can be blessed the same way I have been.” Jackie, California
"I had heard of Jesus from the radio program, but I have never personally accepted Him as my Savior. I heard that the Seeker's Conference was a unique and safe place to clearly hear more about Jesus, so I went. Because of this conference, I have now accepted Christ as my Lord and Savior! Thank you!" Pramila Jena, Satya Jyoti listener, India
"Greetings to you! Because of Hermandad Cristiana [Spanish broadcast], I am now aware that we are not only matter but also our spirit and soul keeps a relationship with God. I want very much to grow and do not know how. My question is, do you have any resources to help me advance in my spiritual development? Thank you very much for your program!" Email from Benito, Hermandad Cristiana listener
Follow-up: Gilbert and Melba Davila connected with Benito and answered questions about growing spiritually. They also provided a calendar with a Bible verse for every day of the year. Praise the Lord for this ministry!
“Joao has lived seven years in Brazil, and in the [Christians Broadcasting Hope] booklet he found a testimony of Cosine, a missionary in Guinea Bissau, Africa. It meant so much to this man, who himself converted at 17 years old. He had lost his wife at the birth of the first child, and was lost for a time. But now he found back to God. He speaks Portuguese in his own country in Africa” update from Pastor Mario Hort
“Christ has continued to expand this CBH [Christians Broadcasting Hope] radio ministry here in East Africa particularly Kenya and Uganda since we moved to the FM station based in the western part of Kenya. We are allowed to run our 30 minute program and it has really touched many people. They are calling to request the following items: prayers for healing diseases, doing well in exams at school, peace in marriage, getting a job, etc. It has a targeted population of about 7.6 million active listeners. Even in this moment as I am writing this email, a person has just called asking to receive Christ in her life." From Obed Okech, Sauti Ya Bwana Director
“We are interested in expanding the broadcast and have several opportunities to do so. There is also interest in ViewPoint [English] and Kello Tamam [Arabic] to be aired here! Our technician Issa is producing a live broadcast aimed at Christian youth. Please pray for him as he uses communications skills to reach those for Christ.”
Pray with us as we work to air the program!